Race Policies and FAQs

The following applies to all Syllamo Events.


We do not have any large airports close to us.

Little Rock Arkansas is typically the shortest drive - approximately 2.5 hours to Blanchard Springs.

Other options are Springfield Missouri or Fayetteville Arkansas.


We post photos on our Flickr page. The “Photo Albums” tab above will take you to our page. These photos are free to download at full resolution. Photos typically take 3 to 7 days to sort and load to Flickr. We send emails through Ultrasignup when the albums are ready.


Results are typically posted less than 24 hours after the event has fully concluded. Please keep in mind that multi-day events might still be in process, even though you are home and anxiously awaiting results.

Withdrawing / DNS - Did not Start

We record DNS entries. If you cannot make it to the event, you may withdraw up to the date of registration close. This will prevent a DNS record. This is a self-service process through the registration platforms (typically Ultrasignup or BikeReg). We will not do this for you.

Late Starts:

We do not allow late starts.

Early Starts:

We do not allow early starts. If you need special consideration, please reach out.

Distance Changes:

Distance changes must be completed in Ultrasignup before registration close. This is a self service process. Once registration closes, that is your race. If you change distances mid-race, we will not credit you with a finish.


As of 2025 - unfortunately, pets are no longer allowed on course due to insurance. If there is special consideration needed, such as a service dog, please email us.

Pets are allowed as spectators.

We ask that you make safety and friendliness your top priority.

i.e. your pet obeys commands or stays by your side if other pets are present.

You are required to follow venue specific rules - some venues may require a leash or removal of poo.


We provide meals for all participants at most events. Meal tickets may be purchased during registration for family/friends.

We recognize there are food allergies and other dietary needs. If we do not specifically say we are providing something, it is safe to assume we will not have it. We would love to accommodate everyone at aid stations and finish line meals but we cannot cover every need.

Our servings will be sizeable and we are happy to offer 2nds if you’re still hungry. We ask that you wait until all racers have finished and had opportunity to eat before 2nd servings.

We do not provide plates, cups, bowls, or silverware - we are a low waste organization. Bring your own reusable eating utensils.


We do not provide monetary refunds but we understand life happens. If you cannot make it to the event, we will defer registration to the subsequent year as follows:

75% deferral - More than 120 days before event

50% deferral - More than 60 before event

0% deferral - thereafter

To receive the deferral, you must cancel registration in Ultrasignup before midnight.

This is a self service process - we will not do this for you.

Ultrasignup will automatically apply a credit upon registration next year.

Pregnancy deferral:

We will offer a 100% credit to the subsequent year’s race. You must email us and let us know the reason you are withdrawing from a race is because of a pregnancy.

Distance Changes:

You may change distances within Ultrasignup. This is a self service process. You are subject to costs if increasing distance. We do not issue a refund for decreasing distance.

Bib Transfers:

None. Unless otherwise indicated on that specific event.

Low impact races:

We do not provide cups at aid stations. You will need to come prepared with a bottle or cup.

We do not provide plates, cups, or silverware for post race meals. Come prepared with your own plate, bowl, and silverware.

We do not tolerate littering. It is not acceptable to throw gels, cups, or the like on the ground after use. If we catch you deliberately littering, you will receive a DNF and be banned from subsequent Syllamo Events.

Trekking Poles:

We allow trekking poles. Please use caution when around other runners.

Course Markings:

We cover every mile of every course before every event.

Annual trail work is conducted on all of our courses by the US Forest Service, the Master Naturalists, the Ozark Highlands Trail Association, the Trail Team of North Central Arkansas, and ourselves.

Special thanks to all who maintenance trail.

Our standard course marking is colored surveyor flagging (tape/ribbon). These are typically hung at eye level from tree branches. We mark turns and places known to be problematic. Some races may have periodic confidence flags but we do not guarantee confidence flags.

We DO NOT barricade turns or prevent runners from going off course.

We know that other events use ground flags. At least 1 person tells us at every event. There’s bedrock under most of our trail. You can’t stick a ground flag in the ground in many places. It’s not a practical solution here. You need to look up for flags!

Most events will have GPX files available to download. We are not responsible for the accuracy of your device or the ease of use. We have tested the files and know that they are accurate but no device is perfect. You can still go off course. Pay attention!

Some turns will have additional signage and ground markings.

Special Discounts:

We will consider special discounts such as groups of 5 or more, running clubs, or the like. If you would like consideration, please email before registering in Ultrasignup.